spirits - the bar plays
spirits - the bar plays
​Short Plays Inspired by Real Life & Set in Bars
A series of shorts ranging from 5 to 15 minutes, all centered in and around Bars and inspired by real life events and places. Can be presented together or separately. Shorts include:
"The Gentleman Gangster"
What happens when a man prepping for his drag show is possessed by an Irish gangster? The clash of old and new in Hell's Kitchen, NYC!
"Sourtoe Cocktail Club"
Gaslighting, power struggle, and gender politics are on display beween Billie, a bartender, and Bobbie, her manager, in the fallout when the famed "Sourtoe", a severed toe used for making "Sourtoe Cocktails", is lost for the first time.
Before things can get hot and heavy with Jack, Jill whips out her “V-Card”-- a literal, business-sized card-- in an attempt to avoid an awkward conversation on a subject two consenting thirty-somethings shouldn't have a problem with : why she’s still a virgin. The card explains everything on the back… but should Jill have to explain herself in the first place?​ (Winner: Audience Favorite SPF NYC)
"Thumb War"
A puppet slam piece about a thumb preparing to mutiny from his owner after years of abuse
"I'll Show You Mine"
A play for the dark with misunderstandings and double-entendre
"Pawternity Leave"
A monologue about a brewery that offers paternity leave for new doggy-dads